Telegram finally launches Stories: how does it differ from Instagram?
To stand out from the crowd, Telegram is banking on adjustable privacy settings and a Stories lifespan of between 6 and 48 hours.
Ephemeral Stories "Telegram style
Privacy, interface, duration: how Telegram wants to differentiate its Stories
In a message posted on his Telegram channel, Pavel Durov announces the imminent roll-out of Stories on his messaging service. Scheduled for release in July, the application's new feature, which focuses on the security of exchanges, is based on the concept popularised by Snapchat and subsequently adopted by Instagram: the sharing of ephemeral photos and videos.
In his press release, Telegram's CEO recalls that he was "initially opposed to the idea of implementing a feature that was already available everywhere", but justifies his choice by the growing demand from users for a feature equivalent to what Instagram offers. "Telegram wouldn't be Telegram if we didn't listen to our users and if we didn't innovate on existing formats", he argues.
Coincidentally, Instagram recently launched distribution channels for content creators, a format that is strangely reminiscent of Telegram's proposal, and one that WhatsApp has also positioned itself around. The battle between messaging services is in full swing, with each taking inspiration from the others to launch new features. But by continuing to copy each other, don't the platforms risk losing their identity?
In his message, which he accompanies with a preview, Pavel Durov details his vision of the Stories format "à la sauce Telegram" . Broadly speaking, the principle is similar to what the competition is offering, but with several nuances:
Confidentiality : it will be possible to "precisely" regulate who can view your Stories: everyone, all your contacts, a selection of contacts or a list of close friends.
Interface: Stories will be positioned above the discussion list so that they are "easily accessible without wasting space". Stories can also be hidden in a special hidden section.
Duration: Unlike Instagram, Stories do not have a fixed duration. They can be broadcast for 6, 12, 24 or 48 hours "with individual privacy settings for each of them".
Captions: In addition to the photo and video editing tools, Stories will also be able to be captioned "to add more context, links or tag other users".
Dual camera support : it will be possible to simultaneously publish photos or videos captured by the smartphone's front and rear cameras.
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